Northern Ireland



Name: Older people and engagement in culture, arts and leisure: a literature review carrie dout by the NI Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) Research and Statistics Branch.

Year: 2015

Description: The research was carried out to obtain a deeper understanding of the relationship between older people and culture, arts and leisure. Using existing literature, the research aimed to explore engagement in sports, arts, museums and libraries for older adults. The outcome from the literature review will feed into further research planned in relation to older people and culture, arts and leisure.



Name: Impact of poverty on Engagement with the Arts in Northern Ireland

Year: October 2013

Description: The aim of the research was to obtain a deeper understanding of the relationship between poverty and the arts. Secondary analysis was carried out using the Continuous Household Survey (CHS) and Young Persons’ Behaviour and Attitude Survey (YPBAS) to examine arts engagement rates against a number of indicators of poverty.


N.B. Reports also available for the impact of poverty on libraries, museums and sport. Available at url:

Name: Review of DCAL funded activities with a health impact

Year: July 2013

Description:  The primary aim of this review was to undertake a thorough data audit of the activities being delivered across all of the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure’s delivery areas, that had an impact on health. The delivery areas were within both the core of the Department and through most of the Department’s Arms-Length Bodies. The review collected information on activities delivered over a pre-specified time period of 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012. Data were collected from delivery areas through an on-line survey and case studies.



Name: Understanding Society: culture, arts and leisure in the UK regions

Year:  2013

Description: The aim of this study is to explore the level of engagement in culture, arts and leisure across the United Kingdom and to compare if and why Northern Ireland is different from other UK regions. The project involved bivariate and multivariate analysis of Wave 2 of Understanding Society, a major longitudinal panel study of UK households. Publication by Dept of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL).



Name: Social and Economic Research and Survey Programme 2013/14

Year: Ongoing since 2011

Description:  In 2011, DCAL scoped its future research needs based on Ministerial and Departmental priorities. In order to provide a clearer and direct link with policy, the areas identified for further research are categorised under the Department’s five key areas: economy, education, health, social inclusion and the environment. Led by DCAL Principal Economist, Patrick Neeson.



Name: Mapping of accredited museums and science centres in Northern Ireland

Year: 2012

Description: The aim of the project was to examine the distribution of museums and science centres throughout Northern Ireland, mapped against deprivation, neighbourhood renewal, urban/rural areas and school provision. Forty-two accredited museums and science centres were included in this analysis. Publication by Dept of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL). Weblink:


Name: An analysis of the creative industries in Northern Ireland 

Year: 2012

Description: This study looks to examine how the creative industries in Northern Ireland has grown in recent years and compares this to other sectors locally, as well as the creative industries in other regions in Great Britain. Publication by Dept of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL).



Name: Willingness to Pay Study into the Value Placed on Public Libraries in Northern Ireland 

Year: 2012

Description: The objectives for this study were to analyse the views and opinions of both library users and non-library users. Through the examination of the various responses, values have been placed upon the amount that individuals are willing to pay and the actual value of the library service to the people of Northern Ireland. Publication by Dept of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL).



Name: Sport and Arts Interventions that impact on Mental Health: a scoping review 

Year: October 2012

Description: The research reports on a scoping review of sport/physical activity and arts interventions in relation to mental health, including suicide prevention, in order to identify types of interventions that have proved most successful. Publication by Dept of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL).



Name: An Assessment of the Social Impact of Arts Learning programmes

Year: May 2012

Description:  A Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) was carried out to assess the impact of arts learning programmes on marginalised groups and families. The main findings are summarised in the document below. Publication by Dept of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL).



Name: Experience of the Arts in Northern Ireland: findings from the 2011/12 Continuous Household Survey

Year: 2012/13

Description: This bulletin reports on the findings from the 2011/12 Continuous Household Survey and includes topics such as:

· Participation in arts activities;

· Attendance at arts events;

· Benefits of attending arts events;

· Barriers to attending more arts event;

· Satisfaction with arts provision in Northern Ireland.

Publication by Dept of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL).



Name: Theatre Review

Year: 2012

Description:  The Theatre Review 2012, commissioned by NITA and produced in partnership with Audiences NI, represents the first in-­depth theatre specific report on audience attendance in Northern Ireland and a valuable initial step in building up a clear picture of theatre audiences across the country. At least 62,146 households from Northern Ireland, the rest of the United Kingdom, the Republic Of Ireland and internationally can be verified as having booked for at least one theatre event in 2010/11. They purchased 336,456 tickets worth just over £5 million pounds.



Name: Mapping of government funded arts venues, activities and festivals in Northern Ireland

Year: 2010/11

Description:  A collaborative research project between the Arts Council Northern Ireland and the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure. The aim of the project was to examine the distribution of government funded arts venues, activities and festivals throughout Northern Ireland, mapped against deprivation, neighbourhood renewal and urban/rural areas. This research looked at the spatial distribution of arts funding, mapping it against a range of NISRA statistics.

Weblink: 3/research_publications/mapping_of_government_arts_page.htm


Name: Participate Conference: harnessing cultural value in tough economic times.

Year: 2009

Description:  Organised by Belfast City Council, the Participate conference was held on 25 March 2009 at Elmwood Hall in Belfast. Speakers included:

Paul Collard. Can we afford the arts any more?

John Holden. How we value culture and arts.

John Holden. The Value Triangle.

Wolfgang Buttress. Ideas and concept for the Rise sculpture.

Greg Richards. The public value of cultural events.


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