NCFA Research Resources
The NCFA COLLOQUIA series came about in response to the lack of adequate substantive and rigorous research on the arts and cultural activity in Ireland. The aim of these four conversations was to promote a case for research that redressed this deficit of knowledge.

Photograph Tony Kinlan
NCFA COLLOQUIA feeds into the NCFA’s own ongoing research and campaigns. It was our intention to involve policy makers and funding institutions to take on board insights that emerge as they shape the sector into the future.
“We see this as a great opportunity to engage widely on research, to listen and learn from others so we can inform ourselves, our stakeholders and our Minister. We expect the NCFA COLLOQUIA to be a full-blooded investigation of the clichés, prejudices, cherished beliefs, and cultural bogeymen that stand in the way of a better understanding of the value of the funded arts sector.”
Valerie Connor, NCFA Chairperson
The NCFA COLLOQUIA series was supported by Independent Seanad Eireann Senator Fiach Mac Conghail.