
28th April 2018

Press Release: NCFA shares concern at cancellation of discussion events and removal of artworks

NCFA shares the serious and widespread concern expressed at the recent cancellation of discussion events and removal of artworks, and at the larger implications both of […]
23rd April 2018

Project Ireland 2040

The NCFA was pleased to hear the Taoiseach say that “our culture is who we are”, describing this element of Ireland 2040 as “innovative and ambitious”. […]
15th March 2018

Social Welfare Pilot Scheme for Artists

National Campaign for the Arts is continuing to work away at lobbying across parties, departments and agencies. Chair Jo Mangan was on Newstalk this morning discussing […]
8th February 2018

Tania Banotti appointed director of Creative Ireland

Many congratulations to one of the main drivers of the whole National Campaign for the Arts movement Tania Banotti, who will be taking over at the […]
8th January 2018

Time to stop feeling guilty about investing in the arts

 IRISH EXAMINER: Time to stop feeling guilty about investing in the arts Very Interesting article in the Irish Examiner by Declan Jordan. Declan is director of […]
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