National Campaign for the Arts reaction to Budget 2022

Save the Arts Ireland
National Campaign for the Arts
14th September 2021
19th November 2021

National Campaign for the Arts welcomes the budget measures announced by Ministers Donohoe and McGrath today. The proposed Basic Income Guarantee Pilot for artists and arts workers is something we have long fought for and we are delighted to see this historic Government commitment to it in Budget 2022. We look forward to seeing the key details of the scheme as they emerge. 

Continued investment in arts & culture will be vital in ensuring the sector survives the challenges of the pandemic and begins to build for a sustainable future. We welcome the 2022 investment of €130 million in the Arts Council which is the key to directly funding art, artists and arts organisations. This sustained investment is a first step forward in order to address the damage inflicted during a decade of cuts before the pandemic.

We also welcome funding to Culture Ireland, alongside the continuation of Creative Ireland which are essential elements of the arts infrastructure. We look forward to engaging with Minister Martin and her department on the other elements of our pre-Budget submission including insurance and taxation reform, research and an action plan which will address the systemic barriers which prevent all artists from active and equal participation in cultural life and work.

The NCFA Steering Committee wishes to acknowledge the work of Minister Martin and her Department officials, who clearly understand and value the arts and have been brave and vocal allies of the arts community throughout the pandemic.

The Steering Committee also want to acknowledge the contributions of NCFA founders and steering committee members over the years and the work of all those across the nation who have worked so hard to create a unified voice of the arts, coming together to ensure the value of the arts is understood, cherished and nurtured to safeguard our artistic and cultural legacy for future generations.


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