Members Meeting Thursday 18th June: Next Steps

Statement from National Campaign for the Arts in response to government announcement of €25 million Arts and Culture Sector Stabilisation Fund
16th June 2020
Statement in response to the Arts Council Expert Advisory Group Report, published June 19, 2020
19th June 2020

We will hold a meeting later this week with members from across the arts sector to discuss today’s €25m investment announcement, yesterday’s publication of the draft Programme for Government, the imminent Arts Council Expert Advisory Group report, and the next steps for the Campaign.

The briefing will take place on Thursday 18th June at 4.30pm via Zoom and will last approximately one hour. Members will receive an email the morning of with the meeting link. To become a member simply fill out the membership form here:

The National Campaign for the Arts is a volunteer-led, grassroots movement that makes the case for the arts in Ireland. With our members support, we work to ensure that the arts are on local and national government agendas and are recognised as a vital part of contemporary Irish life.

Help the NCFA continue to advocate for the arts in Ireland.