NCFA supports Theatre Forum Payscales Survey

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20th November 2018
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16th May 2019

The National Campaign for the Arts (NCFA) supports the findings of Theatre Forum’s Payscales Survey, launched today at Project Arts Centre.  The findings illustrate major deficiencies in the pay and conditions of artists, with one third of artists and creative practitioners earning less than the National Minimum Wage.

The Theatre Forum survey also highlighted the precarious nature of working in the arts, with 81% of roles offered on a temporary basis, with irregular hours or on a freelance basis. Furthermore, 74% of respondents rely on other sources of income and 48% are unable to make PRSI contributions. 

Angela Dorgan, Chair of the NCFA stated that, ’The statistics uncovered in Theatre Forum’s survey serve to further highlight the plight of artists in trying to make a sustainable living […] this is not new information, as previous research* has indicated that the vast majority of artists earn less than €10,000 per annum’ 

A recent survey* conducted by the NCFA also indicated that 40% of artists surveyed earned less than €10,000 a year, while less than 25% of respondents earned between €10,000-€20,000.  

‘Of the 450 artists responding to our 2018 survey, 60% have neither private pension or health insurance provision’, Dorgan added. 

*Previous research – The living and working conditions of artists in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (2010)

*NCFA Annual Survey (2018) – sample size of 450 artists responded to the questions concerning pay, pension and private health insurance.

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