Statement from NCFA following publication of draft national cultural policy
21 July 2016 – The publication of the draft ten-year national framework policy for culture marks a significant moment, two years after the previous Government’s decision to initiate the process.
The NCFA shares the Government’s view that the draft document represents the “beginning of a process”, and thanks the Minister for agreeing to send it as a draft to the Oireachtas for consideration on a cross-party basis in the new Joint Committee on Arts & Heritage.
Even as a high-level framework, the draft policy document seems brief, with further development needed in a number of areas. To make the policy effective, the development of an implementation plan with specific and measurable actions and targets is clearly vital and, once the draft framework policy is finalised, we welcome the Minister’s commitment to move quickly to develop that plan in partnership and consultation with all the stakeholders.
The NCFA looks forward to making a full contribution to both the finalisation of the draft framework policy and the development of the implementation plan, engaging actively with the Minister and Government, the Joint Committee and with all members of the Oireachtas.
On behalf of the Irish arts community, the NCFA is determined to help achieve a new cross-party consensus on a ten-year vision for culture at the heart of Irish life and society.
Media information:
Sabrina Sheehan, Mission PR & Communications | 086 250 3751
The Campaign
Established in 2009 as a response to the McCarthy Report, The National Campaign for the Arts is a nationwide, volunteer-led, grass roots movement that makes the case for the Arts in Ireland. The NCFA’s pre-election manifesto included calls on the government to:
* = Assessment of the Economic Impact of the Arts in Ireland 2011, prepared by Indecon International Economic Consultants