In recent weeks the NCFA has been busy garnering support for our collective Manifesto and our call for an All-Party Approach to the National Cultural Policy.
Together with a body of Volunteer Coordinators we are seeking to activate communities of support in each Irish Constituency. Groups are now active in most Constituencies – through online forums, in-person discussions and letter-writing campaigns.
We have called for our membership to write to or email their local representatives and we have already had responses from and meetings with many TDs.
Over 50 parliamentary questions were posed to Minister Heather Humphreys this past week, which shows the level of impact the campaign has had so far around the country.
Read on for more information on our ongoing work and to find out how you can lend your voice to the Campaign.
Thank you for your continued support.
NCFA Representatives from the Meath East Constituency met recently with government Chief Whip Regina Doherty. This was a positive meeting during which our Manifesto was clearly communicated and heard.
Further meetings have been confirmed with Labour leader Brendan Howlin and Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams for the coming weeks, as well as with Fianna Fáil’s arts spokesperson Niamh Smyth.
We remain committed to advocating on behalf of all members of the NCFA and to driving home the key asks laid out in the NCFA Manifesto.
We will keep you up to date on the outcomes of these conversations.
If you haven’t already, we encourage you to write to or email your TDs and Senators, using the sample letter template available for download from our website.
Please keep us informed if you receive a reply or an offer of a meeting.
We would welcome the chance to work with you to support your efforts within your own Constituency.
There was an overwhelming response to the announcement of the first What Next? NCFA conversation: a public meeting for the arts community in Project Arts Centre on Thursday 9 June from 09.45 – 11.15.
This event is now fully booked but we will have updates on the outcomes of the conversation later in the week.
What Next? is a national movement of arts and cultural organisations, artists, funders, policy makers, institutions. Initiated in the UK, the purpose of the forum is to come together regularly to articulate and strengthen the role of culture in society. What Next? is interested in how we can act together to make change happen and how we can hold an authentic conversation about value with decision makers, the public and each other.
Speakers at the 9 June Dublin event will include Hannah Bird (National Movement Lead, What Next?) and Brian Sheehan (Co-Director, YES Equality).
Stay Tuned for More