Party Policies and Manifestos: General Election 2016

Email your TD – sample copy
25th January 2016
NCFA #GE16 Cork South-West Meeting
15th February 2016

In advance of the General Election later this month, and in the lead up to a series of Hustings Events to be held in Cork, Galway and Dublin this week, we encourage you to become familiar with party policies on the arts and culture, which are now being published online. 

Below you will find a list of the election manifestos currently available.

Get to know the stance your candidates and their parties are taking on support for the arts. This is the time to seek their highest commitment to fund and grow the sector over the lifetime of the next government.

Party Policies and Manifestos

Fine Gael: Election Manifesto 2016 (arts and culture from page 19)
Green Party: Election Manifesto 2016 (arts and culture from page 54)
Social Democrats: Election Manifesto 2016 (arts and culture from page 30)
People Before Profit: Policy for the Arts
Renua Ireland: Election Manifesto 2016 (from page 69)
Fianna Fáil: Election Manifesto 2016 (from page 95)
Sinn Féin: Dáil Manifesto 2016 (page 35)
Labour: Arts Culture and Heritage – Labour Party Manifesto

Help the NCFA continue to advocate for the arts in Ireland.