A series of artist diaries in support of the National Campaign for the Arts will be running this week on RTE Radio 1’s Drivetime programme. (RTE decided for the sake of balance to have an opposing voice do a diary on the same day).
Having heard them you can join the debate by emailing drivetime@rte.ie or text 51551.
Links to diaries:
Tuesday 27 – Colum McCann and Liam Collins
Wednesday 28 – Hugo Hamillton and Dr Finbarr Bradley (piece is at 1:14)
Thursday 20 October – Moore McDowell and Pat McCabe (piece is at 02:15)
Joe O’Connor also did a Drivetime diary on Wednesday 21 October. You can listen to the diary here, read Quentin Fotrell’s radio review (Irish Times Saturday 24 October) and see Joe O’Connor’s subsequent letter to the Editor (Irish Times Tuesday 27 October).