First meeting of the Dublin West Arts Workers, Tuesday 27th October, 7pm at Draíocht
2nd October 2009The National Campaign for the Arts Welcomes the Government’s Decision Not to Axe Irish Film Board
11th October 2009
We are working on a number of initiatives to allow people to become more involved in the campaign (some of which you may already know about) as follows:
What you can do right now:
- You can join your local Arts Worker group for your constituency.
- Groups are now becoming active and organising meetings with local politicians and highlighting the local and national issues of the Campaign.The groups are on Facebook and you can see a full list here. If you’re not on Facebook send us an email with your constituency and we will make sure you are added to the list. If you are not sure of your constituency have a look here and do make sure you are registered to vote.
- You can join us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for updates.
- You can read our key demands and use these when talking to politicians.
What we will be asking you to do in the coming weeks:
- We are redesigning and will have an online petition which we would love you to sign and encourage your friends to sign.
- We will shortly have our new NCFA logo available for download and this can be put on websites with an embedded link back to our site.